Have you ever felt like you had to let go of who you were to step into who you truly are?
We are blessed to be living in such unpredictable and uncertain times. (but are they really any more unpredictable and uncertain than other times?)
The question is, how will you rise above the momentum of the crowd and step into a flow of your own?
Staying stuck has never been easier and the rewards for pioneers and self-directed leaders have never been greater…
It’s easy to look to people around you who are comfortable, in fear and stuck and do what they do.
It takes work to cultivate an inner circle of legends who are building their empires. But the rewards are more exponential than ever before.
By choosing to invest your time, energy, focus and money into skillsets and knowledge like cryptocurrency, coaching, sales, copywriting, marketing, web design, analytics and many more, you’ll be future-proofing yourself to reap the rewards that massive-action takers of today and the next few years, will be receiving for decades to come.
That’s why I’m here to remind you that you’re not alone, you don’t have to stay stuck and there is NO circumstance that is greater than you or more powerful than you.
If you decide to pursue a dream that impacts your communities, to create a better quality of life for yourself and the world as a whole, you will be rewarded generously.
So where do you start if you’re feeling lost, frustrated or downright exhausted?
I’ve put together 3 keys below that will radically accelerate your progress. Let’s dive in!
Key 1 – Declare Your Purpose
What are the chances a plane will reach his destination if he doesn’t know where he’s going?
Not much.
Many of the men I’ve come across from almost a decade of personal development and growth, seminars, sales experience and coaching are simply not clear on their purpose.
And the worst part about it is, many men feel powerless to identify a clear purpose and like the task is too much to even take on.
Take an honest assessment of yourself
- Do you know who you are?
- Do you know your core values?
- Are you working towards a clearly designed life?
- Do you have this vision for your best life written out in detail?
- Have you visualized and meditated on this life consistently and daily for the last 30 days?
These are just a few questions that can start to give you clarity on where you’re at in relation to your purpose.
Any strategy that you have (more money, nice house, sexy woman by your side) are empty unless you have a deeply rooted relationship with WHY you want these things.
If you’re just starting out and you have no idea what your purpose is, then I’ve got GREAT news for you!
You know exactly what your purpose is and right now you can choose to own it, instead of resisting it.
If you’re at the place of figuring out your purpose, then THAT IS your purpose brother!
There’s no shame in saying “My purpose is to find out what my purpose is!”
One thing I preach in the masterminds I host and with clients is: We are NEVER too good for baby steps.
Get clear on where you desire to go, take ownership of where you’re at, and begin to act daily on the steps to get you from here to there!
Key 2 – Own Your Power
What happens when you’re powerless?
You get walked all over…
You are an asshole who makes other people’s lives miserable.
Both of these symptoms are from a deeply rooted sense of unworthiness and inferiority.
One type of man acts in accordance with how he sees himself because that’s what he’s “supposed to do.”
The other type of man is so afraid of others seeing how powerless, insecure and worthless he is that he is constantly projecting an unhealthy masculine ego that pretends like he has it all together.
Key 3 – Claim Your Prosperity
Activate the Power of Momentum with this NEXT Action Step!
About Christopher Burns