LIJATA MOVING MADNESS is a self-contained docu-style series for Society Media and coming soon to Television on the logistics of moving and all that comes with it, in terms of drama, stress and so on. The series will be shot on location profiling people from all walks of life that moves everyday across the United States. The many subjects are actors, musicians, athletes and everyday folks.
Ramon EF Thomas is a Creator, Writer, Producer, Executive Producer, App Developer, Engineer, Actor, Spiritual Advisor, and Business Owner. The future of LIJATA and Life Is Just A Touch Away is to enhance, grow, and develop relationships with people. Develop a television show where you see people as they are in your element to create a universal picture.
Ryan Walter is a Creator, Writer, Producer, Executive Producer, App Developer, Artist, Sound Engineer, and Business Owner. Ryan is co-owner of Life Is Just A Touch Away with EF. Ryan has also been involved in music since a young age. He earned a Degree in Sound Engineering from The Los Angeles Recording School in 2004. Ryan formed the hip-hop group Striking Daggers in 2010 and goes by Shatner as a solo artist. He has released multiple albums and mixtapes over the past 25 years. Ryan has also been a huge fan of movies and TV for a long time. He has done some extra work on a few TV shows like With Out A Trace and NCIS. Ryan is currently working on a TV show called LIJATA MOVING MADNESS.
D’Angelo J. Waddington is a Creator, Writer, Director, Producer and Executive Producer. D’Angelo has been a producer since 2008 when he produced his first short film titled, “Soccer Mom Secrets” which made it to the 2008 Cannes Film Festival. D’Angelo has been a movie and TV fan his entire life. Besides earning his Associates Degree from Los Angeles Harbor College, and attending both California State University of Long Beach and Los Angeles Film School, D’Angelo is a former professional soccer player and a coach. Among team he has coached, Occidental Men Soccer Team where for three years he was the head coach for the Tigers a job that earned him the youngest coach title in the history of NCAA coaching history. D’Angelo is currently producing a feature documentary film titled “BETWEEN 2 GAME” on the Ivoirian Men National Soccer Team “Les Elephants” and their role in ending 10 years of Civil War and a democratic presidential.